Luncheon On Occasion of Caux Round Table Meeting (CRT)

Luncheon On Occasion of Caux Round Table Meeting (CRT)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 11 Mar 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 7 Nov 2022

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On 6 March 2015, H.E. Mrs. Busaya Mathelin, Ambassador of Thailand to Spain, hosted a Luncheon On Occasion of Caux Round table (CRT) Meeting at Thai Restaurant, Krachai. There were 25 participants attended the said meeting, led by Mr. Stephen B. Young, Global Executive Director of Caux Round Table. This meeting in Madrid is part of a series of CRT meetings across the world i.e. London, Washington, Brussels, paris and Beijing. CRT meeting's objective is to prepare a vision statement on a "new" sustainable global capitalism to be presented to the 70th United Nations' General Assembly in September 2015.

In her welcoming remarks at the Luncheon, the Ambassador of Thailand shares Thailand's experiences with CRT. For over two decades, the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand has guided and become a key element in national development plan. At the heart of this approach are three principles: moderation; reasonableness; and the need for built-in resilience or self-immunity against risks which arise from internal or external changes. His Majesty's the King's Sufficiency Economy thinking is recognized by the UNDP which has presented to His Majesty the King its first UNDP's Human Development Lifetime Achievment Award in 2006.

