Thai Festival and Thai Gastronomic Week in Barcelona and Madrid on 12-25 June 2014

Thai Festival and Thai Gastronomic Week in Barcelona and Madrid on 12-25 June 2014

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 10 Jul 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 7 Nov 2022

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Entre el 12 y el 25 de Junio, la Embajada Real de Tailandia y el Team Thailand en Madrid en colaboración con el Departamento de Información del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, la escuela de artes Bunditpatanasilpa Institute  y la escuela de cocina Suan Dusit International organizaron el Festival Tailandesa y la Semana de Gastronomía Tailandesa en el centro comercial “La Maquinista” en Barcelona y en el Hotel Intercontinental de Madrid.  El evento tenía por objetivo promover la cultura tailandesa, la artesanía y el turismo.

En el 23 de junio 2014, Excma. Sra. Busaya Mathelin, embajadora de Tailandia organizó la recepción "Noche Tailandesa" en el salón Albeniz del Hotel Intercontinental de Madrid. Los huéspedes que asistieron al evento incluyen Cuerpo diplomático, altos funcionarios gobiernos españoles, así como hombres de negocios y representantes de los medios locales.*


On the 12th - 25th of June, 2014 the Royal Thai Embassy together with Team Thailand in Madrid, in collaboration with the Department of Information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute and Suan Dusit International Culinary School organized the Thai Festival and the Thai Gastronomic Week at La Maquinista Department Store in Barcelona and at Intercontinental Hotel, Madrid. The objective is to promote Thai culture, Thai food, handicrafts and tourism in the two main cities of Spain.

On June 23rd, 2014, H.E Mrs. Busaya Mathelin, Ambassador of Thailand hosted a “Thai night” reception at the Albeniz Ballroom in Intercontinental Hotel, Madrid. On this occasion, the Ambassador gave a remark where she addressed cooperation between Thailand and Spain in the area of tourism. She also updated guests on political and economic situation in Thailand. Guests that attended the event include Diplomatic corps, high-ranking Spanish government officials, as well as businessmen and local media representatives.



